photorefractive keratography in India

A form of laser eye surgery called photorefractive keratectomy, or PRK, is used to treat slight to severe nearsightedness, farsightedness, and/or astigmatism.

In order to correctly focus light passing through the cornea, the clear front portion of the eye, onto the retina, which is situated in the rear of the eye, the cornea must be reshaped during all laser vision correction procedures. The eye can be reshaped surgically using a variety of methods. A laser is used by an eye specialist during PRK to restructure the cornea. This laser, which emits a cold, pulsating ultraviolet stream, is used to treat the cornea’s surface rather than the cornea’s flap as in LASIK.

What benefits does PRK offer?

PRK has a good degree of accuracy in many nearsightedness correction situations. One year after the procedure, 90% of PRK patients have 20/20 vision without glasses or contacts, and 95%-98% have 20/40 vision or superior.

The cornea is believed to be sturdier after PRK treatment. In instances of thin corneal thickness or with patients who want to continue boxing as a leisure sport, it is superior to LASIK.

What drawbacks does PRK have?

PRK’s drawbacks include:

  • Mild pain for one to three days after the treatment, including light eye inflammation and watering.
  • It is pricey, usually costing $2,500 per eye, which is comparable to the price of LASIK.
  • Some patients may still need spectacles, and the result is not entirely foreseeable.

After treatment for both eyes, some patients should be advised to think about skipping work for about a week while the eye discomfort and eyesight return to normal levels.

What negative consequences of PRK might there be?

In the first 24 to 48 hours following operation, many PRK patients feel some pain, and nearly all of them become sensitive to light. Other possible adverse effects within the first six months following operation include:

  • best eyesight lost with the help of spectacles
  • noticing a slight shine. Depending on the patient’s pupil size in low light, this might be irreversible.
  • pictures with faint haloes

Other possible side effects include postponed surface healing or minor irregularities or hazes in the cornea, which could impair the best vision possible with spectacles. Usually, the long-term vision clarity is at least as excellent as that obtained with LASIK.

How do I get ready for a PRK procedure?

You will meet with a doctor and a supervisor prior to your PRK procedure, and they will go over what to anticipate both during and after the procedure with you. Your medical history will be examined, and your eyes will be checked, during this appointment. Measurements of eye thickness, refraction, and pupil elongation are among the likely examinations. Any other queries you might have will be addressed by your physician. After that, you can arrange a time for the PRK operation.

Starting three weeks prior to the date of your operation, you should stop wearing hard gas permeable contacts if you wear them. Prior to operation, you shouldn’t wear any other kinds of contact lenses for at least three days. Bring your spectacles so that the prescription can be checked.

Eat a small meal before arriving, and take all of your recommended medicines, on the day of your surgery. Do not place your cranium under the laser while wearing eye makeup or having any bulky hair ornaments. Call the doctor’s office the next morning if you don’t feel well to see if the operation needs to be delayed.

What takes place throughout the PRK procedure?

Under local anesthetic, the PRK treatment can be completed in as little as 10 minutes for each eye. A laser is used by an eye specialist during PRK to restructure the cornea. This laser, which emits a cold, pulsing ultraviolet radiation, is used to treat the cornea’s exterior rather than its interior as is the case with LASIK.

What can I anticipate following a PRK procedure?

The majority of the time, an adhesive contact lens will be placed right away. To give the eye’s surface time to recover, this contact lens is typically worn for the first three to four days. During the first six months following the operation, you should plan to see your eye specialist at least a few times, with the initial appointment taking place one to three days later. The patch contact lens is taken out after the eye’s surface has recovered.

For the first few weeks after operation, your vision may alternate between clear and blurry; you might need to wear spectacles for nighttime driving or reading until your vision stabilises. Although they won’t feel dry, your eyes will be parched. To avoid illness and maintain ocular moisture, your doctor will prescribe eye drops. When using these drops, you might experience a small burn or a brief dimming of your eyesight. Use only eye solutions that have been authorised by your optometrist.

After surgery, your vision will progressively get better until it is typically acceptable to drive a vehicle two to three weeks later. But keep in mind that you might not have your clearest eyesight for up to six weeks or six months after operation.

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After having PRK, will I still require reading spectacles to treat my presbyopia?

All patients over the age of 40 experience presbyopia, which can be treated with reading spectacles or a procedure called monovision, in which the dominant eye is corrected for distant vision while the non-dominant eye is corrected for reading using contact lenses. Presbyopia is not treated with PRK.

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